
What is the purpose of HireMojo and what are its functionalities? HireMojo is a software designed to automate the entire recruitment process. It allows users to generate job descriptions using its library and customize them as needed. Additionally, it offers an online interview process to assess and rank applicants, enabling businesses to identify the most qualified candidates. The software also facilitates collaboration among team members by assisting with interview scheduling and collecting feedback, streamlining workflows. HR managers, as well as small and medium-sized companies, commonly utilize this software.

HireMojo Pricing Model

Quotation Based

HireMojo Screenshots


Collaboration Tools, Access Control, Single Sign-On (SSO), e-Signature

Technical Details

  • SupportOnline
  • Customer TypeMedium Business Small Business
  • Location / Phone NumberSan Rafael
  • CA / 1.800.395.2805
  • DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud
  • Official Website https://www.hiremojo.com/
  • CategoryApplicant Tracking System


Picture of David Bond

David Bond

Senior editor

David is a well-known advocate for the implementation of cloud-based solutions and automation tools for small businesses. He strongly believes that this technology solutions for small businesses and startups are the thing that provide true edge on the market. He writes primarily about project management and sales software.