
What is the functionality of FactWise? To ensure optimal negotiations with suppliers, it is essential to utilize both current and historical information. This includes considering key performance metrics to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, discovering new suppliers who offer competitive prices and meet quality standards is crucial. The plan also involves increasing volume with preferred suppliers by 80%, reducing unauthorized spending, and maintaining transparency throughout the organization. By implementing these measures, the goal is to achieve the most favorable deals with suppliers.

FactWise Pricing Model

Quotation Based

FactWise Screenshots


Approval Workflow, Contract Management

Technical Details

  • SupportOnline
  • Customer TypeMedium Business Small Business
  • Location / Phone NumberNew York
  • New York
  • DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud
  • Official Website https://factwise.io/
  • CategoryProcure to Pay Software


Picture of David Bond

David Bond

Senior editor

David is a well-known advocate for the implementation of cloud-based solutions and automation tools for small businesses. He strongly believes that this technology solutions for small businesses and startups are the thing that provide true edge on the market. He writes primarily about project management and sales software.