What is the purpose of Embark and how does it function? Embark is a software platform that enables businesses to develop and support their team’s skills. It fosters motivation and engagement by implementing goals using the SMART goal setting framework. The software also provides valuable insights for tracking progress and measuring workflow efficiency. Embark is commonly utilized by professionals, as well as small and medium-sized companies.

Embark Pricing Model

Free Trial , Subscription

Embark Screenshots


Goal Management, Gamification

Technical Details

  • SupportBusiness Hours
  • Customer TypeLarge Enterprises Medium Business Small Business
  • Location / Phone NumberNetherlands
  • DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud
  • Official Website https://getembark.co/
  • CategoryEmployee Engagement Software


Picture of David Bond

David Bond

Senior editor

David is a well-known advocate for the implementation of cloud-based solutions and automation tools for small businesses. He strongly believes that this technology solutions for small businesses and startups are the thing that provide true edge on the market. He writes primarily about project management and sales software.