What is the function of BackupVault Cloud Backup and how does it operate? BackupVault Cloud Backup is a service designed to safeguard digital assets for businesses. It achieves this by encrypting data and transferring it to a secure offsite server through the internet. This eliminates the potential risks of onsite hazards such as floods, fires, user mistakes, hardware problems, and the increasingly common threat of ransomware. BackupVault Cloud Backup provides a variety of solutions tailored to different IT environments, including Google G Suite Backup and Office 365 Backup. This enables users to protect critical data stored on both server networks and individual workstations. Additionally, the service includes a Data Upload Calculator that estimates the speed at which a company’s data can be transferred to the offsite server. The rate of upload depends on factors such as data volume, compression efficiency, and the speed of the internet connection used for uploading. Alongside these features, BackupVault Cloud Backup also offers GDPR backup and GDPR disaster recovery services.

BackupVault Cloud Backup Pricing Model

Free Trial , Quotation Based

BackupVault Cloud Backup Screenshots


Technical Details

  • Support24/7 (Live rep) Business Hours Online
  • Customer TypeMedium Business Small Business
  • Location / Phone NumberLondon
  • United Kingdom / +44 20 3102 0040
  • DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud Installed - Windows Installed - Mac
  • Official Website https://www.backupvault.co.uk/cloud-online-backup
  • CategoryBackup Software


Picture of David Bond

David Bond

Senior editor

David is a well-known advocate for the implementation of cloud-based solutions and automation tools for small businesses. He strongly believes that this technology solutions for small businesses and startups are the thing that provide true edge on the market. He writes primarily about project management and sales software.