
What is the functionality of effiGST and how does it operate? effiGST is a software designed for both online and offline use, specifically for managing GST billing and return filing. It is currently applicable to various industries such as jewellery, textile, retail, exports, trading, and manufacturing. effiGST is developed by Effitrac Solutions India (p) Ltd, a well-experienced technology team that specializes in assisting businesses with GST compliance.

effiGST Pricing Model

Free Trial , One-time license , Subscription , Quotation Based

effiGST Screenshots


Multi-user Login, Invoice, GST Reports, Inventory Management, Online Banking Integration, Multiple Company, Backup, Multi-Currency

Technical Details

  • SupportBusiness Hours Online
  • Customer TypeLarge Enterprises Medium Business Small Business
  • Location / Phone NumberCoimbatore
  • Tamil Nadu / +91 422-6942222
  • DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud Installed - Windows
  • Official Websitehttp://www.effigst.com/
  • CategoryGST Software


Picture of David Bond

David Bond

Senior editor

David is a well-known advocate for the implementation of cloud-based solutions and automation tools for small businesses. He strongly believes that this technology solutions for small businesses and startups are the thing that provide true edge on the market. He writes primarily about project management and sales software.